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Diets enriched with blueberries improve obese-related parameters.

The title above was highlighted in a recent study. Since blueberries may induce anti-obesity effects, they tested the hypothesis that blueberries consumption contained in hypocaloric diet would decrease weight, BMI as well as glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides and AD levels in obese subjects.

The study also highlighted blueberries consumption during 30 days decreased cholesterol levels in obese male subjects and blueberries consumption across 30 days decreased adenosine levels in female obese subjects.

Hypocaloric diet including bluberries intake

The study provided to subjects consisting in a hypocaloric diet (reduction of 500 kcal of total energy requirement) with a distribution of macronutrients as follows: Carbohydrates 50%, protein 22% and fat 28%. The diet was included the consumption of blueberries (50 g/day) during 30 days.


Blueberries contain antioxidant named polyphenols that seem to control obesity and inflammation processes. Many literature suggests that blueberries consumption has been associated with amelioration of obesity as well as diminution of obesity-related pro-inflammatory molecules. This study could provide preliminary evidence regarding the effects of consuming blueberries as part of a diet given to obese subjects.

Blueberries is very popular ingredients in making pancake and smoothies. Maybe we can eat blueberries occasionally in our diet.


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