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Health Benefits of Apples

High intakes of fruits and vegetables consistently have been shown to reduce the risk of chronic disease; however, most Malaysians aren’t achieving the recommended intake of either. In fact, the intake of vegetables, legumes (legumes product) and milk (milk product) among Malaysian adults was insufficient as suggested by Malaysia Food Pyramid recommendation. (MANS 2014) Malaysian should continually maintain adequate fruit intake and increase vegetable consumption in their diet.

Fallen Apple

Apple consumption has been linked to positive outcomes for a variety of diseases including cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, CVD, and cognitive and pulmonary disorders. As it quotes as, eating an apple a day keep the doctor away.

1. Nutrient-dense Food

Apples are a nutrient-dense food mainly composed of water (85%) and carbohydrates (14%); they’re also rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals. Of the many vitamins and minerals they contain, apples are highest in #vitamin C (14% DV) and potassium (6% DV). Vitamin C, an important water-soluble nutrient, plays an essential role in immune function and iron absorption. One the reason why you are encouraged to eat fruit with meals to increase iron absorption. Potassium, an electrolyte that can help maintain healthy blood pressure because of its role in maintaining fluid balance in the body. Apples also are a good source of #fiber, containing an average of 4 g (18% DV) per medium apple—about 3 g insoluble fiber and 1 g soluble fiber, each of which conveys its own health benefits. Phytochemicals rich in apple are two particular classes: polyphenols and phenolic acids.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" is an old Welsh proverb.

2. Cancer

Apples appear to reduce the risk of multiple types of cancers. A meta-analysis 2016 investigated the link between #cancer and apple consumption by analyzing a total of 41 case-control or prospective study designs. When combining data from both types of studies, researchers found significant reductions in cancer risk in those with the highest apple intake compared with the lowest. They further found, there was a 12% reduction in lung cancer, 28% reduction in digestive tract cancers, and an 11% reduction in breast cancer when comparing groups with the highest intake with the group with the lowest intake of apples.


3. Diabetes

Apple also has the potential to lower the risk of diabetes. With the percentage of diabetes is increasing by time, this relationship is particularly important. A study found that a significant inverse relationship was found between apple intake and risk of type 2 diabetes. This relationship was attributed to a large amount of the flavonols quercetin and myricetin in apples.

4. Bone Health

A study found apple consumption at least 2 medium apple show a lower calcium loss.

5. Cognitive Function

Cognitive issue ranging from mild memory loss or motor skills impairment to dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. The antioxidant properties of apples have been suggested as a mechanism for improving the markers of cognitive function. Oxidative stress induces a compensatory increase of the endogenous antioxidant glutathione in the brain as a protective measure.

6. Lowering Cholesterol

Apples’ high fiber content, known as #pectin, has been attributed to their cholesterol-lowering effects. Fiber lowers total cholesterol by binding to bile in the digestive tract, causing it to be excreted. Bile is made partially from cholesterol, so the body uses serum cholesterol to help replenish the bile acid pool. Pectin also can bind to cholesterol directly, decreasing its absorption and increasing its excretion. Finally, soluble fiber also exhibits a cholesterol-lowering effect by fermenting to short-chain fatty acids in the gut, which inhibits cholesterol synthesis. Lowering cholesterol reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease(CVD).

7. Pulmonary Function

Recent research has provided evidence that apple consumption may improve pulmonary function due to the antioxidant effects associated with their high phytonutrient content. An observational study of 68,535 French women revealed an inverse relationship between apple intake and asthma prevalence. Another study found the consumption of apples independently, totaling two per week, proved to decrease asthma incidence in the study population.

Besides eating an apple a day, also include a variety of fruits and vegetables to obtain health benefits because of each fruit and vegetables contain unique phytochemicals, vitamins, mineral required for the body and maintain good health.

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